How Managed Document Systems Can Improve Data Security, LCI Office Solutions

How Managed Document Systems Can Improve Data Security

Every small business needs to keep security top of mind to protect your business. A managed document system can not only increase the efficiency of your processes – it can also improve productivity and protect sensitive data. A three-part security process helps to keep your data secure and can maintain the necessary compliance for your industry. Here’s how:

Part 1: Print Output Management

Create protocols to manage output.

  • •User Authentication – Use PIN codes, swipe cards or other identifier to set permissions at the printer to limit access to critical data.
  • •Encrypt Data – Documents should be encrypted as they travel through your network to your printer and beyond.
  • •Auditing and Archiving – Administrative software tracks users and saves a copy of any documents to specified network folders for security and auditing.

Part 2: Digital File Management

Digitized documents are more secure, easily replaced, and restored in the event of a cyberattack, natural disaster or data breach. Digitization can:

  • •Allow Automated Workflows – Automatically notify recipients of tasks required to move documents through the workflow.
  • •Create Secured Access – Only authorized users can access documents they need to complete a task. This prevents unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  • •Audit Tracking – Documents can be tracked from creation through completion including all edits, versions access, and dates and times.
  • •Disaster Recovery – Cloud-based systems free you from storing documents onsite and redundancy protects data from cyberattack or natural disaster, making recovery easier and lessening downtime.

Part 3: Scanning Solutions

Scanned documents can replace paper, making security easier and preventing data from falling into the wrong hands.

  • •Rules Based Scanning – Scanned documents are routed securely to specific recipients, departments or locations.
  • •Protect Data In Transit – Scanned data can be encrypted at the device before being moved through the network.


A document management systems can improve workflows, increase productivity, enhance security and make collaboration easier. A Managed Print Services provider can help you to determine your needs and implement a system to meet them.

Want to learn more? Download our free ebook “Prevent Hardcopy Security Risks” to learn more about hardcopy document security risks and how to protect your business.

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